Supply Chain & Operations Analytics
Every day, around the world, businesses of all sizes are collaborating to produce and deliver the goods that consumers need through a vast, interconnected series of processes. Each of the companies involved along the way utilize both supply chain management and operations management in producing goods.
Such Improvement helps organizations improve their primary business processes, increasing customer value, cash flow and the value of the company.
Does your organization leave competitive advantage, talent, time, data or cash unused and do you think that closer coordination between the functional departments can change this? Such Improvement brings this idea to concrete implementation with suggestions for improvement in the field of phase-in / out of products, forecasting, (material and capacity) planning, implementation, improvement and (re) organization. With a large dose of knowledge and experience and a solid network, Such Improvement is ready to assist your organization in this complex but promising process!
Such Improvement stands for targeting, integrally controlling and improving your business resources (people, products / services, materials, facilities, money, meaningful information and time) to achieve the stated performance. We support the resulting new organization behavioral intervention with Data Science, Machine Learning and possibly Artificial Intelligence. In other words: descriptive, predictive and progressive statistics. The descriptive statistics visualize the actual organizational behavior.
Do you want to increase the value of your company?
In a short time I put my finger on the sore spot and I offer valuable solutions.